Friday, July 27, 2007

Article IX: Function of Committees

Section 1. Functions of Standing Committees:
a. Aloha:
The Aloha Committee is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the Hawaiian cultural identity of the community.

b. Program:
The Program Committee shall monitor and coordinate the Associaton's programs in achieving its objectives.

c. Finance:
The Finance Committee is responsible for maintaining the financial integrity of the Association.

d. Building & Property:
The Building and Property Committee oversees the construction, major maintenance, and expansion of the Association's properties. It also oversees the management of the Association's equipment and vehicles

e. Public Relations:
The public relations committee shal monitor and coordinate Public Relations for the Association. The committee will be responsible for the official publicity related to the PHHCA including:
1. Press Releases;
2. Announcements;
3. Newsletters; and
4. Other notices.

f. Membership:
The Membership Committee shall:
1. determine whether an applicant meets membership eligibility; and
2. organize memebership drives.

g. Audit:
The Audit Committee shall be responsible for fiscal review of the Association financial record. The audit will take place no later than thirty (30) days after the calendar year.


Anonymous said...

Add election committee or add it to bylaws

Anonymous said...

kamoleau committee

Anonymous said...

add under building committee that kamoleau.

Anonymous said...

concider changing finance committee deffinition