Friday, July 27, 2007

Article IV: Meetings

Section-1. General membership: There shall-be no -less than (3) three meetings per year. Dates and places to be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Special: Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the Board of Directors, or shall be called by the President upon the request of seven (7) General Members.

Section 3. Annual: The last general meeting shall be designated as the Annual meeting and held in December; at which time the board members shall be elected.

Section 4. Notices: Notice of any meeting of the general membership shall be given to all general members by personal notice or by mail addressed to their recorded residence not less than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting.

Section 5. Quorum: Fifteen (15) General Members, in good standing shall constitute a quorum at the general, special, and annual membership meetings. Such a quorum shall be determined by a count of General Members present.

Section 6. Voting: Voting in all officers and directors elections will be done by secret ballot.
a. Each lessee and spouse combined will have one vote;
b. Each child of lessee 18 years and older will have one vote;
c. Each child of a lessee 18 years and older and each child's spouse living in the household combined will have one vote;
d. Any widow or widower of a lessee living on the leasehold wiil have one vote;
e. Only those whose membership dues are currently paid will be allowed to vote; and
f. Voting by proxy is not allowed by this association.

Section 7. Order of Business-Agenda:
a. The Order of Business at any meeting of the General Membership shall be:
1. Call to order.
2. Ascertain quorum.
3. Approval of Agenda.
4. Approval of minutes.
5. Treasurer's report.
6. President's report.
7. Other officer's report.
8. Committee Reports:
9. Standing; and
10. Ad Hoc.
11. Special orders.
12. Unfinished business.
13. New Business.
14. Announcements.
15. Adjournment.

b. Parliamentary Authority: The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of meetings of the membership except when inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the association may adopt.


Anonymous said...

Section 4
1. What if it is a meeting that is the next day?

2. are we going to open up the notices to the whole community or only paid memeber.

3.Change wording to be more general ie mode of communication.

Anonymous said...

Section 1 -
change wording to "there shall be a minimum of three (3) meetings per year."

Anonymous said...

Section 5
Change quorum from 15 to 7


Anonymous said...

Section 5
Have quorum: the number of the majority board director =6 so as long as there are 6 paid memebers present the association can conduct business.

Anonymous said...

Section 5
Still need to decide if we are going to have both "board meetings" and "General Memeber Meetings" or one or the other.


Anonymous said...

Section 6
Each paid member of a household has voting rights. Reguardless if the person is married or not.

Anonymous said...

Section 6:
Add that people who nominate must be paid memebers

We should take this out of Article IV section 6 and make it into its own article.

Christine Hanohano

Anonymous said...

Section 7:
Order of business is the duty of the president of the association.

Anonymous said...

reduce board to to 9 memebers instead of 11

Anonymous said...

Good words.