Friday, July 27, 2007

Article III: Membership

Section 1. Charter Members: Are lessee who joined the Association in the first
year of its organization and in good standing.

Section 2. General Members:

a. any lessee and spouse on the Waiakea Pana'ewa Hawaiian
Homestead, Units I, II, III, IV, V, and Panaewa Farm Lots;

b. each child of lessees 18 years or older and each child's spouse, 18 years or older who resides in the household;
c. Any widow or widower; grandparents and parents of lessee living on the leasehold; and
d. Those whose membership dues are currently paid.

Section 3. Sustaining Members: Sustaining Members shall be those who choose to support the work of the Association by an annual gift. A gift shall not entitle the Sustaining Member to any privileges or services given by the Association.

Section 4. Non-qualifying Members: Are residents living within the association's boundaries; may participate in association functions; are required to pay the $10.00 membership dues; but, are not able to vote for officers or directors of the association.

Section 5. General Membership Dues:
a. General membership dues are $10.00 for the calendar year for:
1. All/lessees and spouses (Combined =$10.00);
2. Each child of a lessee 18 years or older living on the leasehold (Each child =$10.00);
3. Each child of a lessee 18 years or older and each child's spouse 18 years or older living on the leasehold (Combined $10.00); and
4. Any widow ($10.00). or widower of lessees living on the leasehold

b. Notification of Dues: December. Members will be notified by the first w eek of

c. Notification of Delinquency of Dues: Members wil/ be notified by the last day in January.
d. Non-payment of Dues: Members will be dropped for non-payment of dues by the last day in February.


Anonymous said...

Section 1: due to the fact that we do not utilize the titles of chartered memebers and that it seem exclusionary, we suggest that we delete this section.

Anonymous said...

going to be comming up with proposal to address article III

Anonymous said...

Add the $25 for three years.

Anonymous said...

We may want to concider condencing the current memebership article.

Anonymous said...

Article III: Membership

Section 1 MEMBERSHIP (Original Section 1 deleted)
There shall be two types of membership:

Members (Hawaiian word): Any lessee and household members 18 years or older living in the geographical area of the Waiakea Pana’ewa Hawaiian Homestead and Panaewa Hawaiian Home Farm Lots is qualified to become a member of PCA.

Associate Members (Hawaiian word): Associate Membership will be available to persons who do not qualify as members however Associate Members will not have the right to vote or hold office.

Membership and Associate Membership dues amounts will be established by the majority vote of the Board. Members and Associate Members may become part of the Association at any time during the calendar year by paying membership dues. Dues must be paid prior to exercising voting rights at Association functions.

Due are on a calendar year basis or end on Dec 31st of the year it is paid. When paying for multiple years, Dec 31st of the current year counts as the first year (even if paying in December). Members will be removed from the membership at the end of their paid term.